Optimo Releases Super Changes | Optimo Pathfinder

Press Release: Optimo Pathfinder Updates Its Class-Leading Financial Modelling Software. Read More.

Optimo Releases Super Changes

Optimo Financial has released the new super changes in its Pathfinder Online strategy modelling software.


Optimo Financial has released the new super changes in its Pathfinder Online strategy modelling software.

“We believe we are the first software provider to include the recent Super changes” said Hugh Bannister, Optimo Financial’s CEO, about the Fair and Sustainable Superannuation Bill legislated a range of Super changes to apply from July 1 this year. “We can develop, test and deploy legislative changes very quickly in Pathfinder. We’ve proven our modelling over the past decade, and the new interface is easy to use, so advisers can easily incorporate Pathfinder into their business”.

Optimo Financial also released its pricing, which will apply with the production release of Pathfinder Online, scheduled for the first half of this year.

“Our pricing structure is pay-for-what you-use, so it is attractive to advisers who don’t want to add to their overhead costs and who are focussed on developing a robust, comprehensive financial strategy for their clients”, Mr Bannister said.

“Right now, advisers can trial our advanced beta version for free. The feedback has been positive, our Beta users like the comprehensive modelling and find it easy to use. We’re now implementing the most commonly requested new features in preparation for the production release”.


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